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Here for Rosanne. Here for you.

A few years ago, our client Rosanne was enjoying a profitable summer season, in the seaside town of Margate. Disaster struck when she suffered a leak in the roof of her family arcade business following a heavy storm. The call came in just before close of play on a Friday evening. 

When disaster struck, we were there

Our advisor, John jumped straight in his car to take Rosanne to the damaged site - over 20 miles away. There had been a lot of rain throughout the day, and some of the tiling on the roof had come loose, allowing water to run down the walls and soak the arcade carpets.  The greatest risk though, was to the £160,000 worth of electronics stored on the premises, which would be costly to replace and prevent the business from operating.


The emotional impact is just as important to us as the paperwork.

John was able to act fast, moving the machines and calling in an emergency electrician to assess damage to the electrics. Avoiding business disruption was critical; this was peak season for the family. Over the course of the evening, John helped to pull up all ruined carpets and bring in dehumidifiers to draw out as much water as possible. Thanks to John’s quick actions, Rosanne’s business was back up and running the next day and the whole claim settled at just under £7,500.

“In times of crisis, John is always on hand with help and advice, this time especially so. He went above and beyond what we could expect, to get the job done.” Rosanne Cain, Director, Cain’s Amusements Ltd



Backing you to succeed

“Our insurance requirements for minimising risk for expeditions are complex and Sam navigated the best options for us with efficiency and professionalism.”

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